Fraud & Security Alerts
Below you will find the latest Fraud and Security notifications to our members. In them you will find details about frequently occurring schemes and how to avoid them. If you feel you may have fallen victim to a fraud scheme be sure to notify a member of our team immediately by calling 800.834.0082 or stopping in your local branch.
Help Us Secure Our World this Cybersecurity Awareness Month
Cybersecurity Awareness Month highlights the growing importance of cybersecurity in our daily lives and encourages individuals and businesses to take important cybersecurity steps everyday to Secure Our World and stay safe online. MC Federal Credit Union is committed to cybersecurity education by participating in the 21st Annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
Fraud Alert – Beware Fraudulent Text Messages
MC Federal Credit Union has been notified that members are receiving spoofed text messages that appear to come from our institution. The message states that “Your account has been placed on hold due to unauthorised activities”. You are asked to secure your account by clicking on an embedded link. This
Team Members Participate in Cybersecurity Training
Yesterday, Elba Arenas, President and CEO, Tom Ha, Chief Information Officer, and Shawn Merritt, Compliance and Information Security Officer, attended the Jack Henry Cybersecurity Forum. This interactive training focused on ways to be prepared for and respond to cyberattacks.