Fraud & Security Alerts
Below you will find the latest Fraud and Security notifications to our members. In them you will find details about frequently occurring schemes and how to avoid them. If you feel you may have fallen victim to a fraud scheme be sure to notify a member of our team immediately by calling 800.834.0082 or stopping in your local branch.

Fraud Alert – Beware Fraudulent Payment Message
MC Federal Credit Union has been notified that members are receiving fraudulent text messages that appear to come from our institution. The message references a payment processed against your account and you are asked to click on a link if the payment was not authorized. The link leads to a

Fraud Alert – Beware Fraudulent Text Message
MC Federal Credit Union has been notified that members are receiving spoofed text messages that appear to come from our institution. The message asks you to verify a fraudulent charge by responding yes or clicking on an embedded link. MC Federal Credit Union will never send an unsolicited text message

The Certainties of Life: Death, Taxes, and Tax Scams
In 1789, the incomparable Ben Franklin wrote, “…in this world nothing is certain, except death and taxes.” Undoubtedly, this is just as true today as it was 236 years ago; however, a more current phrase might be, “nothing in this world is certain, except death, taxes, and tax scams!” Tax