MC Federal is Supporting Vizo Financial’s 11th Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest

Nostalgia is a fun feeling, isn’t it? You get to relive days gone by through movies and songs from your past, childhood meals, toys and gadgets you haven’t touched in years…all to unlock those cherished memories you forgot you even had. But what if, instead, your days as a kid were spent surrounded by IVs and monitors, doctors and nurses? For the patients of Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals, that’s the reality. They won’t look back on those days with nostalgia, but with sadness.

Why not help us bring a little bit of fun and light to their lives by joining in the festivities of Vizo Financial, our fellow credit union’s, annual Hot Dog Eating Contest? Yes, this is for real, and this summer, you can support us in raising money and awareness for CMN Hospitals.

On July 18, 2024, credit unions from all over the country, including us, will be joining in on the Hot Dog Eating Contest fun as sponsors, contestants and supporters of children in need! For 11 years, Vizo Financial has been hosting this contest to raise money and awareness for CMN Hospitals at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital in Hershey, Pa. The Hot Dog Eating Contest is a virtual event featuring an appearance from a CMN Hospitals Miracle family and credit union sponsors and contestants from across the country.

And this year’s theme is nostalgic as ever with a totally tubular 90s theme! With that and the notion of helping kids in our communities, our credit union couldn’t resist the opportunity to sponsor the contest, and we’d love for you to be part of the fun. Here’s how:

  • Make an online donation. You can make a donation that directly benefits CMN Hospitals at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital. All donations are appreciated and just one could change the life of a sick or injured child. The only thing it requires is just a few minutes of your time.
  • Watch the contest. Save the date and tune in to the livestream on July 18, 2024. It’s a blast to watch, and you definitely won’t want to miss the Miracle family story!
  • Help kids in need. One hundred percent of the proceeds are used to purchase much needed medical equipment and fund necessities and special projects for the patients and families at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital. Since Vizo Financial’s Hot Dog Eating Contest began in 2014, the event has raised $58,000 to benefit CMN Hospitals.

We’d love to have your support in giving back even more to the young patients at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital. Just one donation can change the life of a sick or injured child and ensure that their days are full of as many happy memories as ever. So, tune in to the contest on July 18, make a donation if you so choose and experience the joy of giving to kids in need during Vizo Financial’s 11th Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest…it’s going to be all that a bunch of hot dogs!

Picture of MC Federal Credit Union

MC Federal Credit Union

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