Join Us for a Flavorful FUNdraising Event!

Join us for a flavorful FUNdraising event at the Nickle Plate Bar & Grill!
This Dine to Donate event will take place from June 17th through June 23rd.
Present the donation voucher* for your dine-in or take-out order and 10% of your bill (excluding alcohol & gift cards) will be donated to our 4th Annual Charity Golf Tournament charities:
    • Getting Ahead Foundation: Striving to pull members of our community out of poverty, Getting Ahead shows people how to “get ahead” in a “just getting by world”.
    • Agape: Refusing to let good people fall through the cracks, Agape offers a range of programs addressing essential needs such as food, clothing, furniture, and even shelter when certain weather conditions are met.
    • Camp Koala: Championing grieving children, Camp Koala provides grief counseling services to children free of charge, knowing loss knows no bounds.

The Nickle Plate Bar & Grill is located at 954 State Route 487, Elysburg, PA 17824.

Download a donation voucher* or stop in any branch to pick up a copy!

*A printed donation voucher must be presented in order for our charities to receive 10% of your order. Splitting the check? Make sure you have enough copies to accompany each bill.

Picture of MC Federal Credit Union

MC Federal Credit Union

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